Precisely measures the angle of recovery for textile materials to define 'Easy Care' and 'Easy Iron' claims.
A crease is formed in a test specimen by applying a specified pressure in a separate Loading Device. The crease recovery angle (CR angle) indicates the ability of the fabric to recover to its original state.
Alternative weights for the loading device exist to meet the different requirements of both European (eg ISO 2313, EN 22313, M&S P22) and American (eg AATCC 66) test standards.

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Quick loading
The design and construction of the Crease Recovery Tester and loading device facilitate the test as well as rapid and easy measurements of the crease recovery angle.

Range of accessories
A range of accessories, including tweezers, templates and paper tissue are available for testing to European (EN, ISO & M&S) and American (AATCC) standards.
Technical Specification
European standards (EN, ISO and M&S)
Standard accessories | |
Loading device (10N and 19.63N weights) | |
Specimen tweezers (Metal) | |
Specimen tweezers (Plastic) | |
Specimen template (40 x 15mm) | |
Specimen template (50 x 25mm) | |
Paper tissue (25 sheets, 100 x 150mm) |
American standards (AATCC)
Standard accessories | |
Loading device (500g weight) | |
Specimen tweezers (Metal) | |
Specimen tweezers (Plastic) | |
Specimen template (40 x 15mm) | |
Specimen template (50 x 25mm) | |
Paper tissue (25 sheets, 100 x 150mm) |