CrockMaster Crockmeter, colour fastness to rubbing tester


James Heal's CrockMaster is a crockmeter instrument used to determine colour fastness to wet and dry rubbing. It tests textiles, carpets, laminates, and printing inks, as well as the micro-scratch resistance of lacquers, coatings and painted surfaces. It is available in motorised and hand-operated models.


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Drew Lambert, James Heal/PPT Group


Two models available

Available as either a hand operated or motorised instrument.

Alternative applications

Apart from textile testing, the CrockMaster can be used to test the colour fastness to rubbing of carpets, laminates and printing inks.

It also tests the micro-scratch resistance of lacquers, coatings or painted surfaces.

Easy to load

The rubbing finger is easy to load with crocking cloth by using a spring clip.

Flexible Design

The specimen clamp has been designed to be suitable for a wide variety of materials.

The weight to produce a loading of 9N is removable and alternative weights can be used.

Additional information

The Perfect Partners for CrockMaster

Crock Blocks

Crock Blocks are interchangeable fingers created to test textile floor coverings and other pile fabrics according the the standards ISO 105 x12 and AATCC 165.

Alternative Weights

Different loading weights are available for both models of CrockMaster, including 9N, 9.8N, 12N, 19N and 22.5N.

Crocking Cloth

The crocking test is based on assessing the amount of dye transferred from the specimen under test to a standardised crocking cloth. We supply pre-cut cloths to suit the differing requirements of ISO and AATCC standards.

Grey Scales

When the test is complete, an assessment of the amount of colour transferred to the crocking cloth is made with the aid of a grey scale.

Technical Specification

Specifications are provided as a guideline only and are subject to change.

Conditioned atmosphere recommended Yes
Positioning Bench standing
Space requirements  
Hand CrockMaster

Height 21.5cm

Width 66.5cm

Depth 17.5cm

Motor CrockMaster

Height 23cm

Width 66cm

Depth 32cm

Approximate net weight  
Hand CrockMaster 4.1kg
Motor CrockMaster 17.3kg
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Drew Lambert, James Heal/PPT Group