Perspirometer Perspiration Tester

James Heal - Perspirometer, perspirometer tester


Perspiration Tester for testing the colour fastness of textiles to perspiration, cold water, seawater and phenolic yellowing.


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Drew Lambert, James Heal/PPT Group


Built to endure

Stainless steel frame, which takes a number of acrylic or glass separator plates

Valid test results

Evaluation is performed using a grey scale for assessing staining. Yellowing of the control fabric confirms the validity of the test

Standards compliant

Two alternative loading weights make up the pressure to a value, which conforms to the different requirements of ISO and AATCC colour fastness standards

Variety & flexibility

Two sizes of fan-assisted incubators: 30 litres and 60 litres. Both models promote uniform temperature distribution in the heated chamber

Want to learn more about phenolic yellowing?

Always a popular topic, find our more about phenolic yellowing in our articles, Phenolic Yellowing: the scientific reason that clothes can go yellow and Fundamentals of Phenolic Yellowing: your questions answered, and there is also a webinar on the subject that you can watch on-demand.

Technical Specification

Specifications are provided as a guideline only and are subject to change.

Useable volume HX30 30 litres
  HX60 60 litres
Capacity HX30 Up to 4 perspirometers
  HX60 Up to 4 perspirometers
Internal dimensions HX30 300 x 320 x 295mm
  HX60 400 x 420 x 395mm
No. of Shelves 2 (removable)
Air Circulation Fan-assisted
Temperature Range Ambient + 10°C - 220°C (230V) or 180°C (110V)
Temperature Stability ± 2°C
Temperature Controller Digital


Product Range(s)

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Drew Lambert, James Heal/PPT Group