For the preparation of test specimens such as woven, nonwoven or knitted textiles, carpet, film, foam, paper or board.

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Simple & user friendly
Sample Cutters enable you to quickly and accurately cut circular specimens of a fixed diameter
UKAS-accredited Certificates of Calibration are available to confirm the cutting accuracy of these instruments

Cut any material
From woven, nonwoven and knitted textiles, to carpet, film, foam, paper and board - with heavy duty blades to cut specimens up to 10mm thick
Choice & variety
A range of sample cutter sizes, diameter from 36mm and 140mm
Material / End use
Technical Specification
Specifications are provided as a guideline only and are subject to change.
Model 230/10 |
Specimen area 10cm2 Specimen diameter 36mm |
Model 230/50 |
Specimen area 50cm2 Specimen diameter 80mm |
Model 230/100 |
Specimen area 100cm2 Specimen diameter 113mm |
Model 230/38 |
Specimen area 12cm2 Specimen diameter 38mm |
Model 230/140 |
Specimen area 154cm2 Specimen diameter 140mm |
Model 230/100(C) |
Specimen area 100cm2 Specimen diameter 113mm |