Meet The Team: USA

North America is a key market for James Heal. We recognize the importance of the work and innovation from the many specifiers and leaders in their field here, who are driving new product development around the world.

To reflect this we have a demo lab at our facilities in Sterling, VA as a base from which to support our customers in the region with their testing requirements. We continue to build on our strong presence in the US with access to regional testing expertise and support, and faster lead times on our instruments, test materials and calibration services.

Our aim is to build and maintain strong relationships with our customers in the USA and Canada, to provide easy access to applications and engineering expertise. This regional presence will also allow us to better understand your requirements, to make the service we provide more bespoke.  

Our team of experts are here to help with any advice or support you may need!

Rod Ansari

Vice President of Operations, Americas

Rod Ansari VP of Operations, Americas PPT Group

Rod joined the PPT Group team in January, 2017 bringing with him over 20 years of manufacturing, sales and management experience. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in both Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering. His commitment to excellence, expertise and focus on James Heal goals make him invaluable to our team. Rod's understanding of customer needs, and how to fulfil and exceed customer expectations is outstanding, making him a fantastic asset in fostering strong internal and external partnerships. He inspires both clients and colleagues alike with his very positive, collaborative approach to all aspects of his role.


Drew Lambert

Sales Manager, Americas

Drew Lambert Sales Manager Americas for James Heal

Drew heads up sales for the Americas, working directly with customers in North America, and through our agents / distributors in South America.

With extensive technical knowledge in test solutions for quality control and over 15 years' experience in technical sales, contact Drew to request a quote or to discuss your testing or servicing requirements.

What does this mean for our customers?

We will now be supplying test materials locally, meaning faster shipments and the option for smaller orders.

We have a stock of our most popular test materials ready to be shipped from Sterling, reducing shipping costs and speeding up delivery times. This also means we can send smaller orders, as shipping costs are more cost effective. Buy online via our test materials store.

If you require a calibration visit with a UKAS certificate, we are the best option for providing that service.

There are many options for Service and Calibration in the market, but if you require your instruments calibrated to UKAS or ISO standards, James Heal engineers have decades of experience in this field.

Our UKAS accreditation ensures an in depth calibration of your instrument, to guarantee accurate an repeatable testing. Please speak to us or complete our contact form to arrange a visit from our expert engineers.

Localised support to build and maintain relationships.

We aim to continue to strengthen and build our relationships with our valued customers, with our US-based team available to support you with all your testing requirements.

Get in touch

If you have any questions we would love to hear from you. Please contact our team in Sterling + 1 703 433 9247 or get in touch using our contact form.



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