We offer you an extensive range of test materials to complement our portfolio of pilling and snagging instruments. The products include cork liners, pilling tubes, and snagging points for Orbitor; liners, ramps, half-size pilling tubes, locking rings and snagging bars for the M&S Pilling/Snagging Drum; cork liners, cotton sliver and specimen edge glue for Impulse; and felt-covered pilling tubes, locking rings and snagging bars for SnagPod.
Relevant Standards:
- ASTM D3512
- ASTM D4970
- BS 5811
- BS 8479 (SnagPod)
- DIN 53 867
- EN ISO 12945-1
- EN ISO 12945-2
- EN ISO 12945-3
- ICI Test Method 444
- M&S P18A
- M&S P18B
- M&S P21A
- NF G 07-121
- NF G 07-132
- Woolmark TM152
- Woolmark TM196
This product is Grey Cotton Sliver (approx 1m)