What is the purpose of EN ISO 12945-2?
This textiles test evaluates fabric's tendency to form pills, fuzz, and matting during wear. It uses a modified Martindale testing instrument and standard grading photographs to test and grade fabrics based on their pilling, fuzzing, and matting propensities, helping manufacturers create suitable fabrics for different garment types and end-uses.
How to test, in 6 steps:
Prepare specimen holders
Remove the holder ring and guide spindle from each test specimen holder. Then place the device with the small diameter facing up on a table and roll the holder ring down the device's angled surface to the base's large diameter.

Mount test specimen
Invert specimen holder and put a felt disc in the recess.
Place the test specimen face-up over the felt, letting excess material drape over the holder edge. Ensure the test specimen fully covers the groove where the holder ring locates.

Secure specimen and felt
Place the large diameter end of the device on the face of the specimen holder with the felt and specimen. Roll the holder ring onto the specimen holder to retain the specimen and felt under equal tension.
Repeat for all test specimen holders.

Load instrument
Place a felt piece on the pilling table. Put the bottom test specimen (or wool abradant) with the rubbing surface facing upwards on the felt.
Load it with the mounting weight and secure it with the clamping ring.

Run the test
Run the test until the end of the first rubbing stage. Assess the first stage without removing the test specimen from the holder, clearing away loose parts for assessment purposes.
If needed, continue the test, assessing at each rubbing stage until the final stage is reached.

Record the results
Record the grade for each test specimen's surface appearance (pilling, fuzzing, matting).
Calculate the mean result for each surface appearance separately, rounding the mean result to the nearest half grade if it's not a whole number.