A Partnership of Strength: Labtech and Titan 5

Customer Labtech

Labtech Prüfungsgesellschaft GmbH is an independent, accredited laboratory, specialising in both physical and chemical testing for textile materials.

The company invests in the most modern testing technology, and in the development of new test methods, and supports its customers with qualified personnel. Testing textiles, fabrics and consumer goods matching to its customers' requirements according to standardised test methods; they also prepare individual test methods which are especially adjusted to their customers' needs.

For more information, see: www.labtech-gmbh.de

Labtech logo

Sascha Rötker, laboratory technician at Labtech, explains why they chose James Heal to improve their tensile testing output and expand the range of tests they could offer to their customers.

The problem

Labtech had been using a well known market alternative tensile tester for many years, but had become increasingly frustrated by the limited range of standards, and limited range of strength at just 2.5kN.

Labtech began searching for an alternative tensile tester which 'could offer a broader range of supported standards and a machine with a higher strength capacity'. Having had previous experience using other James Heal instruments, they decided to purchase a Titan 5 universal strength tester from James Heal.

The solution

As an independent laboratory, Labtech prides itself on being customer oriented, offering 'fast, flexible and unproblematic testing solutions' to its customers. It was therefore a key objective to have the ability to easily test new standards and expand the range of tests they could offer to their customers - and this played a large role in their decision making process when choosing their new tensile tester.

We chose the Titan 5 based on our previous positive experiences with James Heal's products. We had also received positive reviews of the instrument, so we decided to proceed to see if Titan could help us achieve our testing objectives and overcome our previous challenges.'
Sascha Rötker
It was immediately clear to Labtech, upon using Titan 5, just how easy the machine was to operate. 'We were able to easily test new standards, and the easy-to-use software with all common textile standards pre-installed meant we could begin testing straight away without any downtime due to operator training on the new machine'.
Easy operation of both instrument and software, with excellent service from the James Heal team - means we have a reliable partner to depend on.'
Sascha Rötker

Strength tests determine the resistance of individual textiles, but, says Sascha, it's not just about 'tearing out different seams or tearing off the small parts, but also the determination of the surface resistance under conditions of use.

We can offer a much broader variety of tests using the Titan 5 from elasticity to tear resistance and many more'.

Favourite Feature

'The wide variety of standards, and the menu allows to easily search and select standards, or add a new standard if it is missing.'

The Pneumatic grips offer strong and consistent gripping, while simultaneously taking less time to open and close. If you are buying a new Universal Strength Tester this feature is worth considering, as it can impact both your results and the time taken to set up the test.'
Sascha’s Top Tip


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