ASBCI Technical Visit: November 2023

James Heal hosted members of the ASBCI (Association of Suppliers to the British Clothing Industry) for technical visits, with three groups of attendees taking in a factory tour and instrument demos, with a networking lunch between the morning and afternoon sessions.

From Innovation, Sheet Metal and Welding through to the Electro Mechanical Department, Distribution, then Test Materials Centre, our visitors saw the manufacturing processes and operations from start to finish, with the majority commenting they had not realised that James Heal products are actually made in Halifax.

ASBCI Technical Visit Factory Tour James Heal
ASBCI Technical Visit Factory Tour James Heal

During the sessions ASBCI members visited all three in house labs. The demo lab to see AirPro, AquAbrasion, TruFade and Titan with Peter Goodwin, and then our two factory labs for an introduction to GyroWash as a tester for microfibres release during washing, plus an overview of the WickView Moisture Management and ProDry Drying Rate Testers, delivered by Helen Warburton.

ASBCI Technical Visit WickView Lab
ASBCI Technical Visit Demo TruFade Lab

ASBCI members travelled from London, Cambridge, Liverpool and Manchester (to name just a few places), from numerous high profile retailers and independent labs.

Kirsty Holdsworth, General Manager at ASBCI commented, “What a really enjoyable day we had at the ASBCI technical visit! Massive thank you to all at James Heal for opening your doors, sharing your expertise and showing our members the latest testing technology. We look forward to the next one.”

Alistair Knox, Chairman of ASBCI added, “Great visit, thank you all at James Heal. So good to see new technology building on long tradition at a world class UK company.”

From attendee feedback, the instrument demos by Technical Specialists Helen and Peter, were the highlight of the sessions, their insights into the Performance Range creating particular interest. Thank you to them as well as our ISMs David Buxton and Emmanuelle Byrne for taking the tours and presenting, along with Amar Manzoor our Service & Calibration Manager, and all those who contributed to making the day a huge success.


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