Textiles Testing Essentials: Flammability

If you conduct flammability testing on textiles, you need effective testing for quality control, research, and certification purposes. Read on to find out more about this critical and complex area of materials testing.

Introducing FlexiBurn

Multi-purpose Flammability Tester with TestWise Pro™

For busy laboratories, test equipment such as James Heal's FlexiBurn, can ensure that testing is carried out in accordance with national and international standards. As well as improved usability, FlexiBurn now uses James Heal's flagship TestWise software, making it quick to learn and even easier to operate:

  • Save time: pre-loaded standards provide test parameters for automatic set-up
  • Greater accuracy: clear instructions to ensure frames, burners, threads and test specimens are placed correctly to meet the standard and relevant regulations


Vertical flammability tester, for testing ease of ignition and the flame spread properties of a variety of textile materials:

  • Apparel
  • Curtains
  • Drapes - evaluate the flame resistance of curtains and drapes
  • Nightwear - flame retardancy and the anti-flame properties of nightwear
  • Toys - assure the safety of small toys and children's playthings
  • Protective clothing
  • Technical fabrics
  • Building and other materials

Textile flammability is not a simple function, where the 'burning behaviour' of the material can be predicted under all circumstances.

The subject is complex; and has resulted in the development of a wide spectrum of test methods, some of which are specific to particular end-uses.

Peter Goodwin, Technical Specialist, James Heal

Key features and benefits to your laboratory

FlexiBurn features

  • The position of the gas burner changes according to the standard - a robotic arm designed for precise positioning of the burner
  • Virtually every method requires a different test frame - regardless of size and pin configuration, our frames are easily interchangeable
  • Pre-programmed Control Module for our flammability tester - to guide you through the complex world of flammability standards and test methods
  • Robust Control Module which stores test data
  • A printer can be connected directly to the module to print test reports, or the data can be sent to and stored on a remote PC
  • Comprehensive range of easily interchangeable gas burners, interchangeable test frames and test materials
  • When used with the optional radiator assembly, FlexiBurn complies with EN 13772 'Burning behaviour - curtains and drapes - measurement of flame spread with large ignition source'

Download the FlexiBurn brochure

Which standards can be performed on FlexiBurn Vertical Flammability Tester?

The following standards can be carried out on FlexiBurn:

  • BS 5438
    Methods of test for flammability of vertically oriented textile fabrics and fabric assemblies subjected to a small igniting flame.
  • BS 5722
    Specification for flammability performance of fabrics and fabric assemblies used in sleepwear and dressing gowns.
  • BS 5867-2
    Fabrics for curtains, drapes and window blinds - flammability requirements - specification.
  • BS 6249
    Materials and material assemblies used in clothing for protection against heat and flame. Specification for flammability testing and performance.
  • BS 7837
    Specification for flammability performance for textiles used in construction of marquees and similar textile structures.
  • CAN/CGSB -4.2 No 27.10
    Flame resistance - vertically oriented textile fabric or fabric assembly test.
  • EN 1101
    Textiles and textile products - Burning behaviour-curtains and drapes - detailed procedure to determine the ignitability of vertically oriented specimens (small flame).
  • EN 1102
    Textiles and textile products - Burning behaviour-curtains and drapes - detailed procedure to determine the flame spread of vertically oriented specimens (small flame).
  • EN 1103
    Textiles - fabrics for apparel - detailed procedure to determine the burning behaviour.
  • EN 13772
    Textiles and textile products - Burning behaviour - curtains and drapes - measurement of flame spread of vertically oriented specimens with a large ignition source.
  • EN 14878
    Textiles - Burning behaviour of children's nightwear - specification.
  • EN 1624
    Textiles and textile products - Burning behaviour of industrial and technical textiles - procedure to determine the flame spread of vertically oriented specimens.
  • EN 1625
    Textiles and textile products - Burning behaviour of industrial and technical textiles - procedure to determine the ignitability of vertically oriented specimens.
  • EN 71-2
    Safety of Toys Part 2 - Flammability
  • IMO Resolution A471 (X11)
    Test Method for determining the resistance to flame of vertically supported textiles and films.
  • IMO Resolution A563
    Test Method amendments to A471 (X11)
  • IMO Resolution MSC.61(67)
    International code for application of fire test procedures.
  • ISO 15025
    Protective clothing - Protection against flame - method of test for limited flame spread.
  • ISO 6940
    Textile fabrics -Burning behaviour - determination of ease of ignition of vertically oriented specimens.
  • ISO 6941
    Textile fabrics - Burning behaviour - measurement of flame spread properties of vertically oriented specimens.
  • SATRA TM225
    Burning behaviour of slippers.  

Want to learn more about flammability?

We have explored the subject of testing flammability of textiles further in our article, Flammability testing: A burning issue.


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