Product Feature: ProDry Dry Rate Tester

Learn more about the James Heal ProDry Dry Rate Tester

As part of our Performance Testing range, which also includes AirProAquAbrasion. HydroView, TruRain and WickView, ProDry offers a more accurate and user-friendly way of testing the drying rate of performance fabrics.


Quick drying is an important attribute of textiles worn next to the skin, during sporting activities where the skin is likely to perspire. Without this characteristic, perspiration does not easily evaporate from the garment, which can leave a wearer feeling uncomfortable. ProDry replicates the conditions of use in order to verify that quick-drying fabrics are performing effectively.

This method is used in the development of quick-drying fabrics and garments such as base layer garments, football kits, running gear, gym gear, socks and footwear, and is important in other performance fabrics such as those used in uniforms for military and emergency services personnel.

Introducing ProDry

Our engineers and technical team have invested a lot of time and expertise to develop ProDry into an accurate, consistent and user-friendly dry rate tester. Features of this instrument include:

  • Our internal testing found that increasing the number of data points used to calculate the test end time improved the accuracy and consistency of the results. ProDry records the temperature every second of the test and these points can be added into the graph once the test is complete.
  • TestWise software can automatically set up the parameters of the test, find the end point of the test and calculate the results for the user. There is also a real-time presentation of results on the test screen as the test takes place. There are two modes for water dosage to suit the user - automatic and manual.
  • An adjustable temperature sensor ensures that ProDry complies with the AATCC standard regardless of how thick the fabric tested is. Setting gauges are provided for quick set up.
  • Multiple fans, an air filter and positioning of air flow sensors provide consistent air flow which is measured and controlled by an integrated airflow sensor.

About the test method

The ProDry is capable of measuring the rate at which a textile specimen dries after being exposed to water. The specimen is placed on a heated plate, which is maintained at 37 degrees Celsius to simulate the temperature at which human skin begins to perspire. Water is dosed on to the heated plate underneath the specimen to simulate perspiration.

The temperature drops when the specimen is wet and as the specimen dries, the temperature gradually increases. James Heal's TestWise software records this change in temperature and automatically calculates the drying time and rate of the tested specimen.

The Standards

ProDry tests to AATCC Test Method 201 Drying Rate of Fabrics: Heated Plate Method, and can be configured to accommodate bespoke test methods also.

Find out more

Visit the ProDry page for further information, or contact us to speak to one of our experts.



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