Product Focus: DynaWash Durability Tester

DynaWash is James Heal's Garment and Printed Fabric Durability Tester. It is the instrument of choice for garment sustainability.

About the DynaWash

For laboratories performing a high volume of repeated wash tests, DynaWash will provide a lifetime of laundering in a fraction of the time compared to traditional washing methods.

A lifetime of laundering

Fifteen minutes of testing in the DynaWash is approximately equivalent to five domestic washes, removing the need for repeated wash and dry tests. This results in a reduction in water and energy consumption, labour and laboratory space with an increased capacity for testing.

Multiple tests

A number of tests can be performed in the DynaWash, including print durability, pleat retention, cockling, flock retention, crinkling, differential shrinkage and security of attachments, plus many others.

A range of standards

DynaWash complies with a range of standards, including retailer test methods such as M&S, Next and the Arcadia Group.

  • Arcadia - AG10
  • bsi. - BS 7907
  • M&S - M&S C15, M&S P5, M&S P69, M&S P6, M&S P7
  • Next - TM 8

Touchscreen user interface

An intuitive touchscreen user interface, designed alongside experienced Textile Technologists, offers testing which is simple to set up and reduces the need for training.

Quality Components

The bath and impeller are constructed in stainless steel for improved quality, a longer lifespan and reduced downtime in comparison to domestic instruments.  

A focus on sustainability

The WRAP reports states that an estimated c.£140 million worth (350,000 tonnes) of used clothing goes to landfill in the UK every year. As consumers become more environmentally aware, the ability to offer a sustainability label is increasingly attractive. This applies to garments as well as other everyday consumer goods.

The DynaWash positively impacts sustainability in two ways:

  • Significant savings in water consumption, energy consumption, CO2 emissions and time in comparison to traditional washing methods results in a more sustainable laboratory.
  • Simulating a lifetime of laundering in a short period of time allows retailers to demonstrate the durability of a garment. A longer lifespan is positive for both the consumer and the brand.

Comparison tests between DynaWash and Wascator have demonstrated that approximately 15 minutes in the DynaWash is equivalent to 5 cycles in the Wascator.

Based on these investigations, switching to the DynaWash will give you the following savings in water and energy consumption, CO2 emissions and time:

Water consumption:

  • 5 x Wascator 440 litres
  • 1 x DynaWash 45 litres

Difference -89%  

Run time:

  • 5 x Wascator 150 minutes
  • 1 x DynaWash 15 minutes

Difference -90%

Energy consumption:

  • 5 x Wascator 4.5KW
  • 1 x DynaWash 0.7KW

Difference -84%

CO2 emission*:

  • 5 x Wascator 4.5KW
  • 1 x DynaWash 0.7KW

Difference -84%

*Data based on 0.14kg CO2 emission per KWh  

The DynaWash is the instrument of choice if your business is concerned about sustainability, guaranteeing the lifespan of a garment or saving money on instrument running costs.

It's really easy to use with minimal user training required.

Talk to an expert

Get help from an expert with laundering testing and find out more about how the DynaWash could benefit your business - contact us.


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