Our TruFade Light Fastness Tester simplifies a difficult aspect of testing; its ease of use, accuracy and reliability makes it suitable for laboratories around the world. This was proven with a partnership closer to home when we placed TruFade into the School of Design at Leeds University.
Leeds University, in the North of England, is one of the largest higher education establishments in the UK, and is renowned globally for high-quality research and teaching. The School of Design, led by Professor Chris Carr, brings expertise together from a range of design and technology specialisms, aimed at providing solutions to issues faced in industry and society.
James Heal instruments have been introduced into the new design technology facility, for both teaching and testing at a range of different levels. This includes the TruFade light fastness tester, which was a perfect fit due to its ease of use.

Professor Chris Carr, Chair of Textile Technology and Head of the School of Design said, "The School of Design at the University of Leeds has a long history of teaching and research in textile technology, and Colour is a core area of expertise and research. When establishing a new state-of-the-art Materials Testing Laboratory recently, we sought the advice of James Heal - with their many years of experience in developing testing instruments for textiles, they were the obvious choice.
Our discussion with the owners at James Heal led to an investment in a comprehensive range of analytical tools that is now a showcase facility for the School and highlights the importance of characterisation of materials performance in the modern textiles industry. One of the key instruments we use to determine colour durability is the TruFade Light Fastness Tester."
Professor Chris Carr, Head of School of Design & Chair of Textile Technology"TruFade is an excellent, reliable teaching tool; students can quickly learn to operate the instrument, and its software in particular is easy to understand, guiding the operator to the specified test method. The TruFade system meets ISO and AATCC standards, providing trust in its accuracy of results - a big leap forward for us in understanding the photodegradation, and potential photostabilisation, of coloured materials."

When asked about the features of the TruFade, Chris Carr said "Probably the biggest advantage of the TruFade light fastness tester is that it easy to use and look after. For example, simple controls and a menu-driven touchscreen interface mean operators require only minimal training. This is something the University of Leeds experienced with their TruFade."
Neil Pryke, Innovation Director James Heal"James Heal are delighted to be involved in the creation of an exciting new design technology facility within the School of Design at Leeds University, and view it as an investment into the future of textile technology. Innovation is one of our core values that runs through every instrument we create, and we're excited to share this with the students at Leeds University."
The partnership between Leeds University and James Heal is an opportunity for us to deliver on quality, support and expertise for the next generation of laboratory technologists.