A historic partnership: Hohenstein Institute

Like all great partnerships, trust is key. With an established laboratory already containing a wide range of equipment from James Heal, Hohenstein knew that they could trust our products and rely on our instruments to perform time after time.

From the TruBurst bursting strength tester and FlexiBurn flammability tester, to instruments for colour fastness testing such as Crockmaster and Perspirometers, James Heal have a long established relationship of providing testing solutions for the Hohenstein Group's laboratories.


Headquartered in a more than 400 year old castle, the Hohenstein Group is a world-leading research and testing facility for the textile and clothing industry and commercial textile care as well as related branches. Internationally renowned, the privately owned and family-run company is a beacon for excellence, offering testing, certification and research on all aspects of textiles. With a reputation for providing services of the highest quality and over 4,500 customers worldwide, only the best will do for the Hohenstein Group.

So when Hohenstein was recently looking to expand their laboratory capabilities they contacted James Heal for assistance.

"More than just making the best instruments, James Heal offer unrivalled customer service by working in partnership with their customers. We know that we can rely on their support and advice."

Hohenstein Institute

A service partnership

As well as having confidence in our instruments, Hohenstein also knows that they can trust our advice and support system.

Our presence in Germany offers local support and expertise in this long-standing partnership. This, coupled with the technical expertise of a highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce at our headquarters, including industry experts and technical committee members, means James Heal offer first class support.

"We work hard to understand customer requirements exactly, so that we know the products we offer are the perfect fit", explains Peter Goodwin, Head of Technical. "The Hohenstein Group required increased capability in abrasion and pilling testing, and so the Martindale 909 was the ideal addition to their laboratory. This incredibly versatile instrument exceeds the requirements of all known international Standards and retailers' test methods."

Available with a wide range of tooling, we were able to offer Hohenstein everything needed to meet their testing needs, along with the benefits of a machine designed with the user in mind. Easy access to every one of the nine stations means that the time it takes to load and unload samples is reduced. "The user-friendly control panel minimises the risk of errors and accelerates the testing process," added Peter.

The Martindale perfectly meets our requirements. It's well built, user-friendly and is, in our opinion, the best on the market

Hohenstein Institute

"The Hohenstein Group is just one of many prestigious organisations that trust James Heal to deliver on quality, support and expertise."

Peter Goodwin, James Heal

Passionate about testing excellence

Never satisfied with the ordinary, we continue to work in partnership with our customers, so that we can provide extraordinary testing solutions. We strive to exceed customer expectations, and are able to offer custom solutions to solve testing issues.

The Hohenstein Group is just one of many prestigious organisations that trust James Heal to deliver on quality, support and expertise.


Casi di studio

Scopra le aziende con cui abbiamo collaborato che utilizzano i nostri strumenti, materiali di prova e servizi.


Si unisca a noi agli eventi dal vivo e alle prossime dimostrazioni online e approfondisca i test con i nostri esperti tecnologi tessili.


In questa pagina, troverà tutte le nostre notizie, i blog e gli articoli relativi ai nostri strumenti. Sia il primo a conoscere i nostri nuovi sviluppi di prodotto nel campo degli strumenti per il test dei materiali.


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I nostri webinar gratuiti on-demand forniscono approfondimenti dettagliati con conoscenze specialistiche sui test tessili. Sono ideali per tutti coloro che si avvicinano a questo settore di analisi, ma anche per i professionisti del settore.

Storie di partner

Scopra di più sui nostri partner - articoli approfonditi sulle aziende con cui collaboriamo. Abbiamo partner con sede in oltre 60 Paesi del mondo.


Le nostre persone sono il cuore di tutto ciò che facciamo, per saperne di più sul nostro team


Le nostre ultime notizie, blog e articoli relativi alla tecnologia James Heal. Scopra le novità nel mondo dei test sui materiali, le ultime tendenze e gli sviluppi del laboratorio e dell'hub di innovazione di James Heal.

Materiale di prova

Le nostre ultime notizie, i blog e gli articoli relativi ai materiali di prova, compresi i prodotti James Heal per i materiali di prova, nonché i consigli e i suggerimenti degli esperti dei nostri tecnologi tessili interni.

Test sui tessuti: Gli elementi essenziali

la serie 'The Essentials' è un'introduzione ai test tessili, che copre i principi di base e i metodi di test prodotti dai nostri tecnologi tessili interni.

Consigli e suggerimenti

Acceda a tutti gli articoli di conoscenza di James Heal TechTalk™ e ai nostri ultimi approfondimenti sulle prove sui materiali.