[Essentials] The importance of getting your instruments serviced and calibrated

Just like you would with a car, getting your testing instruments serviced and calibrated on a regular basis can help to prevent any breakdowns and ensure any standards that the instrument was designed to meet, are met.

Testing machines are designed to ensure repeatable and reliable results for manufacturers, in-house laboratories, and factories. Ensuring results are accurate and consistent is extremely important as test results can determine the quality and usability of items.

Calibration is defined as "Correlating the readings of an instrument with those of a certain standard in order to check the instrument's accuracy." James Heal instruments are all created to the highest quality and are built to last, so ensuring they correlate with the standards we define is extremely important and keeps the instrument in the best condition possible.


There are many benefits of getting your testing instruments serviced, including:

  • Consistency & Reliability
    When a testing instrument is serviced and calibrated, you can ensure your tests are consistent and reliable due to the machine meeting the standards it is designed to meet. The calibration will ensure machines are weighing items correctly, performing the correct movements and meeting the standards it is designed to meet.


  • Accuracy
    Textile testing is surrounded by the need for accurate results. Should a machine not be serviced or calibrated, the accuracy of the results cannot be determined, which could potentially lead to false tests and results.


  • Decreased risk of downtime
    Just like getting your car serviced, servicing and calibrating your instruments means there is less chance of the machine breaking down and reducing that risk is extremely important for instruments that are used on a regular basis.


  • Cost Saving
    Paying for your instruments to be serviced and calibrated every year could actually save you money in the long run. Should you not ensure your machines are in correct working order and meeting the standards required, you could end up having to purchase a new instrument a lot sooner than you would originally need to.

Servicing and Calibrating your testing instruments can give you complete peace of mind that they are meeting the standards intended.

James Heal strive to provide customers the world over with high quality servicing and calibrating solutions that can keep your instruments up and running.

Book your service and calibration today    


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Test sui tessuti: Gli elementi essenziali

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