Supporting STC through innovation and design

STC Group is a textiles testing, inspection and certification organisation based in Vietnam. The company specialises in testing a wide range of materials, including chemicals, medical equipment, footwear and textiles.

"STC has gained worldwide recognition from accreditation bodies and organisations for ensuring product safety and quality compliance, issuing reliable and accurate reports, and providing exceptional customer support services."

For this project, we worked closely with their team based in Vietnam. For more information about the company, see:

Working with James Heal

When choosing a supplier, STC Group were looking for testing equipment that could meet the following objectives:

  • High level of precision
  • Good design and quality
  • Easy to use software
  • Reliable maintenance and service

Tuyen Pham, Operations Manager with responsibility for the Laboratory, Technical Sales and Marketing, had worked with James Heal in previous roles and knew we could help them meet their objectives.

We were their first choice for a new Martindale (9 stations), Impulse Random Tumble Pilling Tester, AccuDry and Wascator, as Tuyen explains:

We have operated in this industry for a long time and have very specific requirements. We have wide range of suppliers and brands for physical textiles testing, however James Heal have the best reputation in physical testing, particularly for their Martindale for abrasion and pilling testing."

Tuyen Pham, Operations Manager

Design and software is key

Tuyen emphasises that design and simplicity was key when choosing their instruments, as they have experienced issues with other testing machines that are too complicated for many lab technicians to use.

They realised they needed to replace their testing equipment with a better solution:

"The design of James Heal equipment matches the requirements of the standards; and as a third party providing testing, we need to ensure a high level of precision. We also need equipment that is quick and easy to operate for many types of Lab Technician. We really liked the modern design, easy to manage machines and the intuitive software."

Tuyen says she and her lab team enjoy using the TestWise software as it's easy to use, requires little training and comes in many different languages.

STC Group's experience using James Heal instruments

Tuyen explains that efficiency is very important, "If we can reduce testing time this helps turnaround tests faster, and we know we can be more efficient with James Heal products."

We asked what is their favourite feature of the instruments they chose:

"We particularly like the innovative design of the Martindale. The design looks good, using the touchscreen we can monitor different test positions, and compared with other products I think this is the best choice. Our technicians can perform more tests - the number of positions mean we can increase capacity if we need to!"

Tuyen Pham on the James Heal Martindale

An important factor in this process was the relationship between James Heal and STC Group. Building long-lasting customer relationships is important to us, and many of our customers have worked with us for many years. This was the case with STC Group.

"We have built a strong relationship between the team at STC Group, James Heal and our Sales Channel Partner in Vietnam, Thach Anh Vang. We were delighted to assist with these instruments, and hope to continue our excellent relationships going forward."

International Sales Manager, James Heal


Casi di studio

Scopra le aziende con cui abbiamo collaborato che utilizzano i nostri strumenti, materiali di prova e servizi.


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In questa pagina, troverà tutte le nostre notizie, i blog e gli articoli relativi ai nostri strumenti. Sia il primo a conoscere i nostri nuovi sviluppi di prodotto nel campo degli strumenti per il test dei materiali.


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Le nostre ultime notizie, blog e articoli relativi alla tecnologia James Heal. Scopra le novità nel mondo dei test sui materiali, le ultime tendenze e gli sviluppi del laboratorio e dell'hub di innovazione di James Heal.

Materiale di prova

Le nostre ultime notizie, i blog e gli articoli relativi ai materiali di prova, compresi i prodotti James Heal per i materiali di prova, nonché i consigli e i suggerimenti degli esperti dei nostri tecnologi tessili interni.

Test sui tessuti: Gli elementi essenziali

la serie 'The Essentials' è un'introduzione ai test tessili, che copre i principi di base e i metodi di test prodotti dai nostri tecnologi tessili interni.

Consigli e suggerimenti

Acceda a tutti gli articoli di conoscenza di James Heal TechTalk™ e ai nostri ultimi approfondimenti sulle prove sui materiali.