Protecting our customers: Hologrammed test materials packaging

We are aware of the availability of counterfeit test materials in some markets. Although these can be packaged convincingly to look like a James Heal product, these copies are not produced to the stringent standards and quality controls that we maintain.

Our test materials are manufactured to the highest possible quality, and we work within tight tolerances to meet strict standards. We also put a lot of effort into sourcing the raw materials, controlling the conditions of production and correctly packaging them to reach you in perfect lab ready condition.

Counterfeit products present a huge risk to customer reputation, as without these controls the consumables cannot provide accurate results. We have tested copies against our own product and found the results to be completely different. This calls the integrity of any test results from fake James Heal consumables into question.

To protect our customers, we continue to take steps to make our products easier to distinguish from imitations. However, there are only 3 ways to be sure you are purchasing bona fide James Heal test materials products is to either buy them from us directly, or from the James Heal online store (UK and US only), or one of our trusted network of global partners.

All our Test Materials are packaged with a James Heal hologram

The hologram has been designed and licensed to us - it is quick to identify and difficult to replicate, as we hold the rights to the master hologram. It acts as a sign of authenticity.

All our Test Materials are now packaged with an anti-tamper seal

Using a secure custom label means any attempt to enter the package is immediately obvious. This ensures the customer is the first person to open the product in laboratory conditions.

It is important that our customers use consumables that meet the requirements of the standard. By incorporating these additional measures to our packaging and providing customers with advice and support, we aim to provide reassurance, and will continue to develop the security of our products.

Guy Smithurst, Head of Technical

James Heal Test Materials can only be bought from either our online store (UK and US customers only) or our trusted network of partners around the world, we do not use secondary resellers. Find the contact details for your nearest Distributor or Agent here.

Things to look out for when purchasing James Heal Test Materials:

  1. Has the product been purchased from one of our network of partners or the James Heal online store (UK and US)?
  2. Does the box have the unique hologram on, as pictured above?
  3. Is the box intact with the anti-tamper seal untouched?
  4. Is there a batch number on the box? This links to a certificate of conformity which you can access on our website

If you have any concerns about the provenance of your consumables, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

You can read more about our range of test materials.


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